Band News

Date News item
Sat May 17, 2008 A quarter peal was rung for a wedding at Trinity that contained firsts for all the band, including first quarter peal for Fiona and first quarter peal as conductor for Duncan. Congratulations to all! Details here.
Wed Apr 23, 2008 Jeremy invited the band back to his apartment for dinner after our Wednesday evening practice. We experienced some serious culinary talent, and used the time between the many courses to discuss various plans and ideas for the band. Thank you Jeremy - a very enjoyable evening!
Sun Apr 13, 2008 A special practice of Erin Cinques was held in lieu of normal post-service ringing. 12 plain courses were rung by 11 Trinity regulars, with Danielle Morse making up the band. Another similar practice will be scheduled during May.
Sun Mar 23, 2008 A quarter peal of Bob Doubles was rung to mark Easter Sunday. It was John's first quarter as conductor. Details here.
Sun Feb 24, 2008 Congratulations to Tony F, Tony M, Evelyn and Jeremy on ringing their first plain courses of Erin Cinques. We now have at least 12 band members who have rung Erin Cinques (though not yet at the same time...)
Sat Feb 23, 2008 A peal of Plain Bob Cinques was rung by the North American Guild, which included 6 of the Trinity band and was Greg and Duncan's first peal on 12. Details here.
Wed Feb 20, 2008 Congratulations to Kirby Russell who rang her first quarter peal on an inside bell - the 2nd to Plain Bob Triples. Details here.
Tue Feb 5, 2008 The bells were rung as part of the ticker-tape parade celebrating the New York Giants championship in Super Bowl XLII. Part of the ringing included firing the bells, a first at Trinity.
Mon Dec 31, 2007 Around 25 ringers and guests met in the tower shortly before 11.30pm to ring in the New Year. Half muffled rounds and call changes were rung on the back 10, and also on a minor 10 (using the 2nd to the 11th). After 12 strikes of the tenor at midnight, there were two touches of open rounds and call changes on 12, followed by plain courses of Erin Caters to finish with. In between ringing, the New Year was toasted and champagne was sipped.
Wed Dec 19, 2007 Plain courses of Erin Cinques were rung at practice by a mostly local band for the first time.