Upcoming Ringing Sessions

Sun, Jul 28 9:45 AM Pre-service ringing
Sun, Jul 28 12:15 PM Post-service ringing
Tue, Jul 30 6:30 PM Simulator practice
Wed, Jul 31 6:30 PM Practice

Interested in Learning?

Non-ringers are very welcome to visit the tower to learn about change ringing, watch us ring, and, if they wish, have a change ringing lesson with a volunteer instructor. Click below to learn more and arrange a visit.

Visiting Ringers

Change ringers from other towers are very welcome to join our ringing while visiting New York.

Please log in or register an account, and then click on Sign Up to Attend below.

12-Bell Ringing Course

Interested in developing your 10 and 12-bell ringing skills? Registration is open for our 3-day Introduction to 12-Bell Ringing course in July.

Student spots are limited so register soon!

2024 Striking Competition

Please join us for the Trinity Striking Competition on October 5th! We are excited to have Simon Linford as our judge.

Registration is open for 8-bell bands and individuals.

Contact Us

If you would like to contact us about change ringing at Trinity Wall Street, or about change ringing more generally, please click below.

Visiting bands are welcome to contact us to inquire about booking the bells at Trinity for peal attempts and other ringing.

Change Ringing at Trinity

Band News

Sat May 18, 2024
Join our Race & Ring triathlons! The first is on Sat May 18th (1/8 marathon, 1/8 peal), and the second is on Sat Jun 15th (1/4 marathon, 1/4 peal). Contact Gabrielle or Kira for more information.
Mon Apr 1, 2024
We've now added simulator practices! These are a great way to get concentrated practice time and accelerate your progress in change ringing. Please sign up in the usual way. We'll cap each simulator session to two people and allocate people to different sessions as needed.
Sat Mar 2, 2024
On 2 March a band made up of our current RM & DRM rang a peal of Chandler's 23 at Trinity Wall Street, a first for North American ringing!