Band News

Date News item
Wed Dec 5, 2007 An all local band rang several plain courses of Erin Caters - a first for the Trinity Ringers. The band was made up of: Cathy, Evelyn, Greg, John D, Kirby, Lynn, Roger, Tim, Tony F and Tony M.
Sun Dec 2, 2007 Anne and Tony hosted the Trinity Ringers at the vicarage for a very enjoyable Christmas party. Thank you Anne and Tony from all the ringers!
Sun Nov 25, 2007 Jeremy Bates rang his first quarter peal - the tenor behind to Plain Bob Doubles. Congratulations Jeremy! Details here.
Sun Aug 19, 2007 Evelyn Shoop rang her first quarter peal - the tenor behind to Stedman Doubles. And Tony Furnivall rang the treble in the same quarter peal - his first off cover. Congratulations Evelyn and Tony! Details here.
Sun Aug 12, 2007 A peal of Plain Bob Caters was successfully rung in 3 hours and 9 minutes. This was the first peal rung at Trinity for the North American Guild of Change Ringers, and contained a number of firsts. Details here.
Sun Aug 5, 2007 Tony Micocci rang his first quarter peal - the 2nd to Plain Bob Doubles. Congratulations Tony! Details here.
Wed Sep 13, 2006 This article was published today in the New York Times on the new ring of 12 bells to be installed at Trinity Wall Street.