Band News

Date News item
Wed Oct 15, 2008 Two plain courses of Stedman Cinques were rung by an all-local Trinity band for the first time.
Sun Oct 12, 2008 A quarter peal of Stedman Triples was rung after the 11:15am service. Many congratulations to Cathy Russell (first quarter peal) and to Tony Furnivall (first Stedman Triples). Details here.
Thu Sep 11, 2008 A quarter peal of Plain Bob Triples with a number of firsts was successfully rung in memory of those who lost their lives in the Sep 11th 2001 attacks. Details here.
Sun Aug 17, 2008 A quarter peal of Plain Bob Triples was rung after the service today. This was Jeremy, Fiona and Jeff's first quarter peal on 8 - congratulations to the three of you! Details here.
Sun Aug 10, 2008 Congratulations to Jeff Sipek on ringing his first quarter peal today - the tenor to Plain Bob Doubles. Details here.
Sun Jul 27, 2008 A special practice of Stedman was held in-lieu of normal post-service ringing. About a dozen plain courses of Stedman Caters and Stedman Cinques were rung. We were pleased to have John Hitchings's brother and family join us - it was good to have 4 additional, experienced ringers in the tower.
Fri Jul 4, 2008 We had an enjoyable 4 hour practice on Friday afternoon where we were joined by several visiting ringers, followed by an evening at the Trinity Vicarage where we were able to watch Independence Day fireworks from NJ. Thank you very much to Anne and Tony for hosting a most enjoyable evening!
Sat Jun 28, 2008 Following the success of the May quarter peal day, Greg organized a second one. See here for details of the quarters scored. Many thanks to Greg for his work in organizing these two events.
Sat May 31, 2008 Greg arranged a successful quarter peal day. See here for details of the quarters scored.
Sun May 25, 2008 Congratulations to Greg Russell who conducted his first quarter peal today. Details here.