Band News

Date News item
Mon Jan 19, 2009 As part of the publicity ahead of the presidential inauguration, Tony Furnivall was interviewed on National Public Radio's "All Things Considered" show. Listen to the interview here. Congratulations Tony on significantly raising the profile of our inauguration ringing!
Sun Jan 11, 2009 Congratulations to Dan on ringing his first quarter peal. Details here.
Sat Dec 20, 2008 We did it! The first all-local Trinity band peal was successfully rung. The method was Erin Cinques and a number of "firsts" were achieved. Details here. Ringing World article and composition here.
Sat Dec 20, 2008 The first Annual Meeting of the Trinity Ringers was held today. The following officers were elected for 2009: Ringing Master: Greg Russell; Deputy Ringing Master: John Danaher; Secretary: Tony Furnivall; Steeplekeeper: Greg Russell; Treasurer: Pam Mosley. We congratulate them on their elections.
Wed Dec 17, 2008 A quarter peal of Erin Cinques was rung by an all-local Trinity band. Details here.
Sun Dec 7, 2008 A quarter peal of Erin Cinques was rung by 10 members of the Trinity band, and Don and Elisabeth Trumpler. This was the first quarter of Erin Cinques for 9 of the band. Details here.
Sun Nov 9, 2008 Congratulations to Chapman on conducting his first quarter peal of Triples. Details here.
Sun Nov 2, 2008 Congratulations to Tony Micocci on ringing his first quarter peal of Stedman. Details here.
Wed Oct 29, 2008 Congratulations to Krystl Hall on ringing her first Stedman Caters, and to Pam Mosley on ringing her first Plain Hunt on 7.
Sun Oct 26, 2008 Today we finalized the language for the Trinity Ringers Constitution, and have now started collecting signatures.