Band News

Date News item
Sun Aug 2, 2009 Congratulations to Pam on ringing her first quarter peal. Details here.
Sun Jul 26, 2009 Congratulations to Randi on ringing her first quarter peal. Details here.
Sat Jun 27, 2009 Another good quarter peal day. 3 out of 5 attempts were successful, and there was lots of good practice all around. Details here.
Sun Jun 14, 2009 Today the 50th quarter peal on the bells was rung - Bristol Surprise Major. The quarter peal was rung as a fond farewell to Dan Cocker who sadly (for us) is moving back to the UK, and also to welcome Stephen and Brie Bailey, who have just moved to New York from the UK. Details here.
Sun Jun 7, 2009 A quarter peal of Kent TB Royal was rung to welcome Kanan Jacob Mathew, born on Wednesday June 3, 2009, and Eleanor Anna Large, born on Saturday, June 6, 2009. Details here.
Sun May 24, 2009 A quarter peal of Stedman Caters was rung with the assistance of 4 members of a visiting peal band. Congratulations to Jeremy and Tony M on their first of Stedman Caters, and to Tina for her first of Stedman! With many thanks to David Brown, George Unsworth, Ian Campbell and Simon Rudd for making this possible. Details here.
Sun May 10, 2009 Congratulations to Krystl on ringing her first quarter peal. Details here.
Sat Apr 25, 2009 Another very useful quarter peal day was held. This time 2 out of 4 were scored (details here), with the other two showing good promise for next time. At Merchants afterwards we relaxed outside in the sun for the first time this year...
Sat Mar 14, 2009 A successful quarter peal afternoon was held - successful in the sense of providing very valuable practice. While only one quarter was scored, the band felt that the ones that were lost can be successful at the next attempt!
Tue Jan 20, 2009 While we weren't quite able to ring a full peal, we did ring a half peal in honor of the Inauguration of President Obama. Details here.