Band News

Date News item
Sat Mar 16, 2013 Congratulations to Mark who rang his first quarter of Stedman Cinques today, and to Kirby for her first of Surprise Max!
Sun Mar 10, 2013 Lots of firsts in today's quarter of Plain Bob Cinques. Well done Amy, Arthur, John & Martha!
Sun Feb 3, 2013 Congratulations to Jeremy for his 150th quarter peal!
Sun Jan 6, 2013 Today Amy rang her first quarter of Grandsire Caters, and Arthur his first quarter of Plain Bob Caters. Well done to you both!
Sun Dec 16, 2012 Congratulations to Arthur who rang Plain Bob Caters for his first peal today!
Mon Nov 19, 2012 Congratulations to Amy who rang her first peal today, inside to Plain Bob Triples.
Sun Nov 11, 2012 Today Arthur rang his first quarter of Stedman. Way to go Arthur!
Sat Oct 27, 2012 Today Elaine rang her first quarter on 12, Erin Cinques, and Mark his first of Surprise Maximus. Congratulations to both.
Sun Sep 23, 2012 Lots of firsts in today's quarter of Plain Bob Caters. Congratulations to Martha and Krystl for their first Caters, and to Tina for her first conducting Caters.
Mon Aug 13, 2012 Today Arthur and Krystl rang their first quarter of Plain Bob Minor. Congratulations.