Thu Mar 1, 2018 |
We’re still a few weeks away from Wednesday, March 28th, but we’re asking if everyone could note in their calendars that there will be no ringing practice on that date. The 28th is Wednesday in Holy Week, and the Service of Tenebrae takes place in the church on that day during the general time of our weekly practice; given the nature of this service, a simultaneous bell practice wouldn’t be appropriate. Also, please be aware that Trinity Church is implementing security checks on all persons entering the church building, so please be prepared for that going forward. |
Wed Feb 14, 2018 |
Reminder that there is no practice on Wed Feb 14th due to Ash Wednesday. |
Sun Jan 7, 2018 |
The first Sunday of the New Year - Epiphany Sunday at Trinity - saw some good 12-bell ringing, with 18 ringers present for the occasion. Dividing the bells front and back into two groups of six, each simultaneously ringing Plaint Hunt on 5, allowed ringers at various levels to participate. Erin and Stedman Cinques were also rung for the occasion. Ringing continued into the afternoon, concluding with a quarter peal of Stedman Cinques. |
Mon Dec 25, 2017 |
A month that began rather auspiciously ended somewhat quietly, with so many of our ringers being away for the Christmas holidays that we had to cancel ringing, a great disappointment, as we strive to maintain a sense of service to Trinity Church as paramount to our activities. But many of us provided supply ringers to towers in the communities we were visiting, many of which were experiencing the same problem of their local bands being diminished by Christmas travel plans. The bells were also silent on New Years Eve this year – but we look forward to pulling the ropes again as 2018 begins, and we wish all of our members and friends a Happy New Year. |
Sat Dec 9, 2017 |
The ‘Trinity Shield’ 8-Bell Striking Competition, the first of what we hope will become an annual event, took place today. Five teams participated, one from Boston, two from New York, one from Washington DC and one from the Kent School. Dave Bassford served as the judge. The test piece was 154 changes of Plain Bob Triples, rung by each team in an order determined by a draw, after a period of general ringing followed by socializing and refreshments in the Manning Room. When the day’s ringing had concluded, everyone made their way to Trinity Place bar and restaurant. Towards the end of a fine dinner, Dave addressed the group with constructive, insightful critiques of each team’s ringing, concluding with the annnouncement of the results in reverse order, with Washington DC being named as the winner. The event concluded on Sunday, with 12-bell ringing for both the 9:00 a.m. and 11:15 liturgies. Thanks to Stuart and Kira for organizing this, and to all who participated and helped make it a success. |
Sat Nov 11, 2017 |
Seven ringers from Trinity went down to New Castle, Delaware, to participate in a regional event held at Immanuel Episcopal Church. The church has a light six by Taylor's, which handle nicely and are pleasant sounding both in the ringing room and on the historic town green where the church is situated. A quarter peal of mixed doubles was rung by the Trinity group, followed by an afternoon of general ringing. Visits to local pubs and coffee shops punctuated the afternoon and an enjoyable dinner event hosted by the church and catered by NAG lasted well into the evening. Many thanks to Tim for driving and providing transportation for the group. |
Sun Nov 5, 2017 |
The Feast of All Saints (translated from November 1 to the next nearest Sunday, was marked with lively ringing for both of Trinity's liturgies today. With about 20 ringers, including several visitors from other regional towers, a great variety of ringing was to be heard, from call changes to Stedman Cinques. Following the service ringing, a peal of Stedman Cinques was rung, part of a birthday celebration for John Hitchings. Andrew Mills was here for annual bell maintenance, and was in the peal band. Also good to see Duncan back with us for the peal. Happy All Saints Day to everyone, and Happy Birthday John -- and Tina, also in the peal band, whose birthday was just a few days ago. |
Sun Oct 22, 2017 |
With only 7 ringers for post-service ringing today, we became a little innovative. We rang a quarter-peal of Plain Bob Doubles on the front 8. Well, minus the number 2. The treble rang continuously after the tenor for each row and the number 3 served as the treble to the method. Following the treble's (i.e. the no. 1 bell's) handstroke when leading took some getting used to. The sound was slightly unusual, and rather amazing. |
Sun Oct 15, 2017 |
Our inaugural run at post-service ringing for the 9:00 Sunday service at Trinity went well, with 8 ringers on the back bells. Trinity has asked us to ring at this time on a regular basis, and we're glad for this opportunity for more open ringing. This was also the weekend for a 12-bell ringing event, with ringers from Boston and Washington joining us. It was a productive and enjoyable weekend with lots of good practice and extended ringing on all 12, and a pleasant dinner on an outdoor terrace overlooking the Brooklyn Bridge and the East River, now bustling with ferries from Brooklyn and Queens. |
Wed Oct 11, 2017 |
A particularly good practice this evening, with 21 people attending (including some visitors), at skill levels ranging from learning bell handling, to intermediate, to advanced. Likewise the number of bells ringing at any given time ranged from one to all 12, with everyone having a chance to work on something. Towards the end of the practice, an advanced band rang three leads of Bristol Major that was beautifully struck, and an inspiration to us all. Most of us continued the evening afterwards at a nearby pub, aptly named Trinity Place |